Our Story.

Aura was launched in 2022, uniting a team of experienced retail, technology and packaging consultants with a passion for making a difference.

With our wealth of packaging experience, we had witnessed first hand the key challenges faced by retailers, brand owners and manufacturers in managing end-to-end packaging; from the complexity of the value chain, to establishing consistent color and print processes, to conflicting stakeholder goals, to lack of accurate data, to keeping up with ever-evolving obligations…

Our Vision.

Our vision began to emerge and our suite of programs began to take shape. How could we help our clients to have access to accurate and live packaging data that helps them to drive efficiencies throughout the value chain? 

Our first pioneering program e-halo was born. 

Combining consultancy with technology e-halo gives clients access to accurate and critically, live packaging data, anywhere, anytime.

Since its launch, our growth has been rapid and exciting. As we have grown, so too have the solutions we provide – supporting clients with brand evolution, driving packaging efficiencies, mitigating risks and helping them to urgently address packaging sustainability.

Aura’s 4Elements Framework.

As natural elements work in harmony to strike the perfect balance in nature, so too do all four elements of our Framework. Each element helps to ensure your packaging strategy has everything it needs to evolve and thrive in today’s ever-changing marketplace.

Brand Evolution

The 4Elements Framework

Brand Evolution

It’s crucial to shape your packaging strategy in harmony with your brand' values from the initial impression, to color consistency, to disposal, to recycling, or re-use. A data-centric approach across design and development can enhance the consumer experience and brand perception well beyond the lifecycle of the packaging.


The 4Elements Framework


Efficiency in packaging should be regarded solely within the context of the entire value chain. Whether conducting a carbon assessment or evaluating the total cost of goods, or sharing information with stakeholders, accurate data at each touchpoint must drive a culture that fosters decision-making based on true insights.

Risk Mitigation

The 4Elements Framework

Risk Mitigation

Comprehending risks, both current and future, is vital when navigating the ever-changing packaging landscape. It’s crucial to establish appropriate strategies and ensure accurate measurement and management of the impact on your business.


The 4Elements Framework


The objective for any organization should be to adopt a packaging strategy that facilitates the daily measurement and management of sustainability. Sustainable thinking should be at the core of the packaging strategy, encompassing aspects from brand integrity to compliance with forthcoming packaging legislation to packaging that is commercially viable and therefore ‘sustainable’ in the long term.

Our people.

Here to help you to tackle the world’s biggest packaging challenges.

Our partnerships.

The relationship between packaging and the environment is complex. We have to work together to effect positive climate change.

Together with our partners we educate, share vital knowledge and unite like-minded thinkers that are committed to making a difference.

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Ready to talk?

Whether you’re looking for us to support you tackle your packaging challenges or want to discuss partnering with us, we’re ready to listen.


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