How does our Packaging Strategy service support you?

We are sustainable packaging consultants, committed to true partnerships based on the delivery of mutual goals.

Our breadth of sustainable packaging knowledge spanning packaging formats, substrates, legislation, recyclability and waste streams, support you in developing strategies and solutions that will make a measurable difference both now and in the future.

We create strategies that are both compliant with future legislation and your sustainable packaging goals, along with the tools to deliver and manage your strategy, ongoing.

4Elements Approach.

We operate in an industry that’s always evolving.

Our 4Elements framework sits at the heart of our Packaging Strategy service, providing a solid foundation on which to build your future strategy as the landscape shifts.

What key strategic areas do we cover?

When you partner with us we will establish your specific challenges and goals. Key focus areas we support clients with typically include:

Packaging process and value stream mapping

In partnership, our packaging and value stream consultants evaluate existing processes, mapped against industry best practice. This is aligned to your sustainability and packaging goals, ensuring tracking and measurement on a regular basis.

Waste stream mapping and solutions

Always promoting a circular economy, our consultants access a wealth of expertise spanning the entire packaging life-cycle from ideation through to the consumer, disposal and recovery. We advocate connected, responsible programs and partnerships powered by live data.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

Understand your EPR obligations around the world to reduce costs, manage timelines and ensure compliance.

Packaging development and value chain optimization

Using our 4Elements methodology, our structural engineers work to balance the demands of brand, risk mitigation, efficiency and sustainability. The goal being to optimize packaging in alignment with the value chain and connected waste streams.

Data mining and management

We recommend the systemized management of data via Aura’s e-halo platform. However we also understand that some clients need help transitioning from spreadsheets to real-time data and subsequent decision making.

Packaging design guidelines

Utilize design guidelines that help you create more environmentally friendly, efficient and easily recyclable packaging with the support of our consultants. Minimize excess packaging, promote reusable packaging or optimize packaging formats for transportation.

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